Private Label Solutions

We bridge the gap between traditional Private Banking and Institutional Asset Servicing.

Private Label Solutions

We Listen First And Act Later

We believe in a customizable approach to every need and we see every partnership with our clients as unique and individual.

PLS Parallax Background

Quintet is an independent depositary- and custodian bank, offering Private Label Solutions to clients who already have or are looking to set up dedicated funds, holding companies, SPV’s, trusts, partnerships, foundations etc., as part of their wealth structuring.

We bridge the gap between traditional Private Banking and Institutional Asset Servicing

With time, size and diversifying investment strategies, the requirements of our clients become more complex and advanced, which traditional Private Banking cannot meet. This is why we offer institutional services infrastructure to wealthy individuals, families, smaller groups of investors and family offices, fully adapted to their unique needs and requirements.

sustainable partnership

Rather than aiming for a quick win, we build a sustainable partnership with our clients by nurturing initial contacts, conducting individual and pragmatic analysis of their needs and requirements, as well as providing ideas, support and local assistance throughout the lifecycle of the structure.

Our open architecture platform warrants full flexibility in terms of selection of quality service providers in Luxembourg and abroad. We work with all the best names in the industry, so that you can be sure that your assets will get the best possible service at all times.

sustainable partnership
Our tailor-made offer

Our tailor-made offer 

  • Full scope platform solutions for traditional and alternative asset trading and safekeeping
  • Custody, depositary and paying agent services for all types of regulated and unregulated, dedicated funds in Luxembourg and Cayman Islands
  • Custody- and banking services for legal entities in several jurisdictions (SPF/SPV/PIC/HoldCo)
  • Custody- and banking services for Trust and Foundations in several jurisdictions
  • Your reliable local partner Luxembourg
  • Subject matter expert and guide throughout the setup process of any type of structure
  • Subject matter expert and guide throughout the setup process of any type of structureWe combine expertise, independence and strong network to that you get an service model exactly according to your needs, supported by proven and trusted partners.

Let's talk about it

We think and work differently. Tell us about your project and we will help you achieve your goals.

Contact us